Intelligent rulers often have wise advisers, and the one who is capable of discriminating between the two must be a wise man in his own right.

To find another wise man depends on the experience of a wise man. Those individuals who constantly talk about virtue but fail to put it into action are like to a harp, which produces a sound that is appealing to others but is unaware of the melody that it is producing for itself. The most good is done by dogs and philosophers, yet they get the least amount of praise for it. To me, man is the smartest of all creatures when I consider seamen, scientists, and philosophers nevertheless, when I consider priests and prophets, I realise that man is the most disgusting of all species. The mob is the progenitor of all despots and dictators. I am completely ignorant, which is the only thing I am aware of about myself. To ensure his own survival, a man needs either trustworthy allies or fervent adversaries, since the former can teach him, while the latter can hold him accountable for his actions. The vast majority of males are dangerously close to losing their minds. The larger criminals steer the little thief away from the scene.

When I observed a child drinking from his hands at the trough, I tossed away my cup in disgust and did the same. Where is the value in a philosopher who never offends anyone’s sensibilities? The human being is both the most clever and the most ridiculous of all the creatures. If a student is misbehaving, why shouldn’t the instructor get a spanking? The wine that does not belong to me is the kind that I like drinking the best. The difference between a smart man and a fool might be as little as the tip of your finger. Please move over a little bit so that I may get some sun. It is a luxury reserved only for the gods to desire nothing, whereas men who are godlike may get away with wanting very little. The education of a nation’s young people is the bedrock upon which any state is built. When Alexander the Great came to Corinth in 336 BC, Diogenes made fun of him in front of the crowd and also directly to his face. He would sometimes bring food into the lectures and eat during the discussions, which distracted the audience. Feats of Diogenesĭiogenes criticised Plato, disputed his interpretation of Socrates, and sabotaged his lectures. There is nowhere else to spit in a wealthy man’s home other than on his own face. I don’t have anything to ask of you other than to go over to the other side so that you won’t be able to steal the sunlight from me and offer me something that you don’t have. The goal of every slave should be to exert dominance over their master. I am neither an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the globe. Once, he looked over and saw the officials of a temple sending away a person who had stolen a bowl that belonged to the treasurers, and he said, “The large thieves are leading away the tiny thief.” When others mocked at him because he went backward under the portico, he confronted them with the following statement: “Aren’t you ashamed, you who travel backward down the entire route of existence, and criticise me for going backward along the path of the promenade? Whoever is happiest with the fewest possessions is the one who has the most. You can read these quotes in English, hindi, Spanish and any other language by using the language translator tool above.